
Thursday, November 14, 2013

SP#4: Unit J Concept 5: Partial Fraction Decomposition (Distinct Factors ver.)

Step 1: Find a common denominator. In this case, you have to multiply the numerator by the factors that aren't already in the denominator. Then once you've multiplied and FOIL'd all the numbers, add the common terms together.

Step 2: Set the numerators to letter values (in this case, A, B, and C) and do the same factoring and/or FOILing method as before. However, instead of adding the common terms together, set the fractions equal to your answer from Step 1. Then separate the common terms into three equations.

Step 3: Take the coefficients and put then into matrix form. Input the values into your calculator and put it into reduced row echelon form. Finally, take the answer column and put each one over a factor in fraction form. Look familiar? It should, that's the equation we started with.

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